Digitization of Synnefo systems d.o.o

Name of the project: Digitalizacija tvrtke Synnefo sustavi d.o.o., u okviru realizacije projekata “Vaučeri za digitalizaciju”

User: Synnefo sustavi d.o.o.

Service provider: Doli Prom d.o.o.

The project was financed by the European Union

Goal and brief description: The goal of the project was to increase the level of digital maturity of the company Synnefo systems d.o.o. through the improvement of cyber security, which ultimately increased the competitiveness and resilience of the company through the use of digital technologies. The project is aimed at increasing cyber resistance during the process of providing information infrastructure management services. The project identified system vulnerabilities and made the company more resistant to cyberattacks, which automatically resulted in the provision of better service to the clients of Synnefo systemi d.o.o. Through the penetration security testing service provided, the goal of the project was fully achieved.

The total value of the project is: €19,500.00 + VAT €4,875.00

Amount of used grants - voucher value: €11,700.00

Start and end date of project implementation: 02/05/2024 - 05/23/2024

Contact person: Siniša Belković, sinisa.belkovic@synnefo-systems.com

Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.