U IT poslovanju više od 12 godina, s više od 400 dovršenih projekata i preko nekoliko tisuća riješenih ticketa za naše lokalne i međunarodne kupce. Synnefo sustavi su tvrtka koja pomaže poduzećima da unaprijede svoje poslovanje za digitalno doba. U stalnom nastojanju da dokaže svoju vrijednost ne samo kao još jedan dobavljač upravljanih usluga, Synnefo naporno radi na tome da postane pouzdan tehnološki partner i savjetnik. U Synnefu uistinu razumijemo potrebu za besprijekornom integracijom mrežnih protokola, operativnih sustava i softverskih platformi koje se pokreću na njima. Imamo značajno iskustvo u PCI DSS, GxP i propisima o zaštiti podataka, virtualizaciji, različitim načinima sigurnosnog kopiranja podataka i u slučaju nepoželjnih incidenata njihovo vraćanje.
Pružatelj sigurnosnih usluga
Our company provides comprehensive solutions that cover all aspects of information technology. With our turnkey approach, we take responsibility for the setup and maintenance of your IT infrastructure, ensuring smooth and reliable operations. Furthermore, we understand the importance of security in today's digital environment. That is why we offer a wide range of security services aimed at protecting your business and preserving its reputation. Our team of experts has experience in penetration testing, incident response services, as well as risk management and compliance with relevant security standards. We take particular pride in our 24/7 Security Operations Center, which operates continuously. With advanced technologies and real-time threat monitoring, we can quickly detect potential threats and take appropriate measures to prevent them. Our dedication to your security allows you to focus on your business without worrying about potential risks. Through our turnkey service and security measures, we provide a complete solution for your IT needs. Whether you require basic support or a more complex infrastructure, our skilled team will provide the necessary resources and expertise to help you achieve your business goals. Contact us today and discover how our services can enhance your business and provide you with the security you deserve.
Lokalna podrška za globalne partnere
Ako ste tvrtka koja traži podršku: Smart Hands and Feet (SHF), Deskside podršku (DSS), Break & Fix ili IMACD (Install, Move, Add, Change, Dispose), ne tražite dalje – tu smo i educirani smo sa višegodišnjim iskustvom u brojnim manjim te velikim internacionalnim tvrtkama u svim navedenim područjima te nudimo nabavku velike količine informatičke opreme.